An airplane passenger recently reported seeing an unidentified flying object (UFO) while flying above the LaGuardia Airport in Queens, New York. The passenger also captured video footage of the UFO.
Michelle Reyes captured the footage about a month ago while flying with her daughter. She posted it to her social media soon after recording it; however, the video is just beginning to garner attention. In her original Facebook post, Reyes asked for help identifying the object.
In the video, a black, cylinder-shaped object shoots across the frame at an alarming speed. Reyes also posted still captures from the video, providing a clearer view. While some comments on her post expressed disbelief, others shared that they also had been in the area and witnessed the alleged UFO.
In an interview, Reyes claimed that another passenger on her flight had also witnessed the UFO. Reyes admitted that knowing she was not the only one who saw the UFO was disturbing. “It’s a little nerve-wracking that someone else saw what I saw,” she said, according to The Daily Mail.
The Daily Mail also reported that Ben Hansen, host of “UFO Witness” on the Discovery Network, had analyzed the footage for authenticity. “I found no evidence that she faked this or hoaxed it,” Hansen stated.
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“I didn’t from the beginning, but we had to run it through the proper data analysis,” Hansen added. “It’s there, it’s very clear, which is unusual.”
At this point, there has been no official confirmation of what the object might be. Some have speculated that the unidentified object might have been a military drone, while others have suggested that a drone would not typically fly so close to a commercial flight.
Reyes shared the video with the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA), Enigma Labs, which maintains a database of reported UFO sightings, and the National UFO database. None of the organizations Reyes contacted have released a public statement regarding the alleged UFO sighting.