On Thursday, The McDonald’s Corporate Twitter account posted a tweet that called President Donald Trump “disgusting.” Following the posting of the tweet and the subsequent deletion, McDonald’s released a statement saying that an investigation revealed that they had been “hacked by an external source.”
The original tweet read:
“@realDonaldTrump You are actually a disgusting excuse of a President and we would love to have @BarackObama back, also you have tiny hands,” the tweet said.
Later on, McDonald’s released a statement on their website saying they had been “hacked.”
“Based on our investigation, we have determined that our Twitter account was hacked by an external source. We took swift action to secure it, and we apologize this tweet was sent through our corporate McDonald’s account.
Though the tweet was eventually removed, the account had “pinned” the tweet which kept it at the top of their profile. The tweet remained up for about 25 minutes and continued to tweet to customers during that time.
Before releasing the official statement, and about two hours after the tweet had been initially shared, McDonald’s said their account had been “compromised” and that they were “investigating.”
“Twitter notified us that our account was compromised. We deleted the tweet, secured our account and are now investigating this,” McDonald’s tweeted.
The tweet was sent from the corporate @McDonaldsCorp account, not the brand @McDonalds account, though they are both verified and are connected to the official company.