While adapting to the current Department of Defense-wide Stop Movement Order in response to COVID-19, the Marine Corps addresses the latest guidance regarding Permanent Change of Station in MARADMIN 285/20. This guidance outlines the actions of the HQMC, Manpower Management Division and Reserve Affairs Management that will affect the permanent change of station orders for the remainder of 2020.
MARADMIN 285/20 explains the tier system that will be followed beginning July 1, 2020. The tier system is a framework that ensures Marines arrive at their specific units to meet prioritized mission requirements.
“The ‘Tiers’ are a decision support tool for M&RA, and there will be exceptions made on individual Marine cases,” states the order.
Tier 1 is scheduled for July-August 2020 and will focus on PCS moves that contribute to force generation actions. For example, aboard Camp Pendleton, this will include Marines inbound as instructors to Staff Noncommissioned Officer Academy.
Tier 2 is scheduled for August-September 2020 and focuses on orders that contribute to institutional priorities, which includes but is not limited to those Marines that are inbound to and from an accompanied overseas assignment.
As for Tier 3, which is scheduled for September-November 2020, Marines whose moves will contribute to readiness generation will be eligible.
“The Service retains operational capability while prioritizing PCS moves between July-November 2020 to accommodate the expected insufficient transportation industry capacity.” MARADMIN 285/20
Manpower Management will maximize the use of Permanent Change of Assignment and Low-Cost Permanent Change of Station orders to mitigate the expected shortfalls in the United States Transportation Command/ Distribution Management Office. PCA and LCPCS orders are exempt from the tier system and will be executed with in the timeline directed on their orders.
Before June 30, 2020, a movement request can be completed with an Exception to Policy. This can be granted for orders that are determined as mission essential, necessary for humanitarian reasons, or warranted due to extreme hardship. Marines granted an ETP may not take leave in conjunction with their PCS if their order coincides with the Stop Move.
As the Marine Corps continues to adapt its policies in response to COVID-19, MARADMINS will be a vital source of information for Marine Corps-wide updates. For more information regarding MARADMIN 285/20, please visit: https://www.marines.mil/News/Messages/Messages-Display/Article/2183862/supplemental-guidance-to-permanent-change-of-station-assignments-due-to-2019/