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MMA star teases presidential run

Mixed martial arts fighter Conor McGregor, center, arrives at Brooklyn Supreme Court on Thursday, June 14, 2018 in New York, N.Y., in connection with his alleged April attack on a bus at Barclays Center. McGregor was arrested on Miami Beach Monday, accused of smashing a fan's phone. (Marcus Santos/New York Daily News/TNS)
September 05, 2024

Mixed Martial Arts (MMA) star Conor McGregor teased a presidential run on Thursday, describing on X what he will do if he is elected president of Ireland in 2025.

This is breaking news that will be updated as more information becomes available. Keep reading below.

“As President I hold the power to summon the Dáil as well as dissolve it. So as i said before, I would have all the answers the people of Ireland seek from these thieves of the working man, these disrupters of the family unit, these destructors of small businesses, and on and on and on!” McGregor wrote on X.

“These charlatans in their positions of power would be summoned to answer to the people of Ireland and I would have it done by day end. Or I would be left with no choice but to dissolve the Dáil entirely. Stop the train until. The people of Ireland deserve the answers they seek. Point blank. This would be my power as President. I know very well,” he continued. “Ireland needs an active President employed wholly by the people of Ireland. It is me. I am the only logical choice. 2025 is upcoming…”

Many users on X praised McGregor’s announcement, encouraging him to “Make Ireland Great Again.”