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Videos: Left-wing rioters tear down American flags, replace with Palestinian flags in Washington, D.C.

Palestine flag (Unsplash)
July 24, 2024

A mob of pro-Palestine demonstrators gathered at Union Station in Washington, D.C. on Wednesday where they tore down at least three U.S. flags and replaced them with Palestinian flags. The chaotic anti-American and anti-Israel riot broke out as Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu addressed Congress.

This is breaking news that will be updated as more information becomes available. Keep reading below.

Video posted on X showed Palestinian flags flying over Union Station.

The rioters also clashed with police, vandalized monuments with language praising Hamas terrorists, and set multiple American flags on fire.

“Absolute chaos at Union Station after US Park Police moved in to prevent anti-Israel protesters from taking down a U.S. flag. Arrests have been made. Park Police withdrew after securing the US flag, the mob chased them,” journalist Julio Rosas posted on X along with footage of the scene.