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Video: Left-wing protesters release maggots in Netanyahu’s hotel

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu makes a statement on Nov. 24, 2015, at the Prime Minister’s Office in Jerusalem. (U.S. State Department/Released)
July 25, 2024

Anti-Israel protesters shared a video on Wednesday celebrating the manufacture of “chaos” at the hotel Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu is staying at during his trip to the United States. The protesters claimed responsibility for releasing maggots on a table Netanyahu had been using for various meetings.

The Palestinian Youth Movement’s Washington, D.C., chapter shared the video on Wednesday alongside a statement on X, formerly Twitter.

“BON APPETIT!! MAGGOTS RELEASED ON THE CRIMINAL ZIONIST’S WAR TABLE!” the Palestinian Youth Movement tweeted. “Palestine protestors manufactured chaos at the Watergate Hotel last night so that Netanyahu, Israeli Mossad agents, and the Secret Service had no peace as they continue to terrorize our people.”

According to The Daily Wire, the anti-Israel protesters also claimed in a separate statement to have released crickets on “multiple floors” of the Watergate Hotel, which is where Netanyahu has stayed during his trip to the United States. The activist group also said it pulled multiple fire alarms to prevent the Israeli prime minister from having any rest.

“Fire alarms were triggered for over 30 minutes on multiple floors to ensure that there will be no rest before Netanyahu and Congress disgrace themselves in front of the world for failing to achieve any of their military and political objectives,” the protesters stated. “May their dreams be haunted by the death of our people and decay of their society.”

The group added, “There will be no peace, there will be no rest, until the war criminal’s arrest.”

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The Daily Wire reported that the Watergate Hotel increased security prior to the prime minister’s arrival by constructing temporary fences around the building to block potential protesters.

A hotel spokeswoman told The Daily Wire that it was “aware of the social media video circulating on multiple platforms” and “took the necessary steps to ensure the property has been sanitized” in the aftermath of the maggot incident. While the spokeswoman did not elaborate on the incident, she said the hotel was “cooperating fully with authorities.”

In response to the incident, Michal Cotler-Wunsh, special envoy for combating anti-Semitism, told The Daily Wire,” By using maggots—a clear example of ‘classic’ anti-Semitism made famous by Hitler and the Nazis, PYM has clearly demonstrated how modern day anti-Semitism intersects with the past.”

Tuesday night’s maggot incident came just one day before Netanyahu’s address to a joint session of Congress on Wednesday. In addition to the Palestinian Youth Movement’s protest, Fox News reported that roughly 200 protesters were arrested on Tuesday after taking over the Cannon House Office Building’s rotunda.