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One-third of Democrats wish Trump had been killed, poll shows

Former President Donald Trump speaks at Trump Tower in New York on Friday, May 31, 2024. (Barry Williams/New York Daily News/TNS)
July 22, 2024

A new snap poll conducted last Thursday revealed that a third of Democratic voters wish that former President Donald Trump had been killed by would-be assassin Thomas Matthew Crooks at his campaign rally in Butler, Pennsylvania.

According to the UnHerd survey, Thursday’s snap poll found that one-third of Democrat voters agreed with the statement, “I wish Trump’s assassin hadn’t missed.”

Eric Kaufmann, who conducted the poll and is a professor of politics at the University of Buckingham, wrote, “The concerning news is that a third of Democrats support the attempt on Donald Trump’s life. The good news is that the other two-thirds of party voters really do disagree.”

“This raises the question of which kind of Democrat backed the killing of Trump,” Kaufmann added, “Support for the statement hardly varies by age, race or education, but is connected to ideology and partisanship.”

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Kaufmann explained that Democrat voters were also asked whether they agreed with the statement “White Republicans are racist” and that 55% of the respondents agreed. The politics professor noted that the results showed “how tightly people’s answer to this question predicts whether they support Trump’s assassination.” Kaufmann added that the question “came out as so statistically significant it relegated all other variables to irrelevance.”

Another recent poll conducted by YouGov showed that 67% of U.S. adults think the country’s current political environment increases the likelihood of politically motivated violence. The Post Millennial reported that despite concerns of politically motivated violence in the wake of the assassination attempt of a former president, Democrat leaders continue to describe Trump as a “threat to Democracy.”

“Now, identity politics has moralised the outlook of the Left, painting conservatives as evil rather than wrong. This fuels catastrophising language around ‘white supremacy’, ‘fascism’ and ‘danger’, leading to a high-stakes emotional atmosphere,” Kaufmann stated. “Given our new politics of identitarian sacredness and moral absolutism, we should not be surprised to see a rise in political extremism.”

During a campaign rally in Grand Rapids, Michigan, on Saturday, Trump pushed back against Democrats who have labeled him as a “threat to democracy.”

“They keep saying, ‘He’s a threat to democracy.'” Trump said. The former president added, “Last week, I took a bullet for democracy! What did I do against democracy?”