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China against Taiwan’s President Lai, ‘plays with fire and risks burning himself’

China flag. (Unsplash)

China accuses Taiwan’s President, William Lai (Lai Ching-te), of “playing with fire” and “pushing the island towards war” with his statements, which – Beijing says – “challenge the principle of ‘one China'”. This is called “‘playing with fire’ and those who play with fire end up burning themselves”, reads a note from the Chinese Ministry of Defense, with statements from spokesperson Colonel Wu Qian, after the start of Chinese military maneuvers near the island, de facto independent but which Beijing considers a “rebel province” and for which it wants reunification.

Since taking office, “the leader of the Taiwan region has challenged the principle of ‘one China’, pushing ‘Taiwan compatriots towards the danger of war”, the spokesperson added. “Taiwan is Taiwan of China and how to resolve the Taiwan issue is a matter concerning the Chinese population, over 1.4 billion people”, Wu insisted, adding that “with every provocation from separatist forces for ‘Taiwan independence’, our countermeasures will move forward towards the complete reunification of the motherland”.

And the military maneuvers around the island, the Asian giant says, are meant to “test combat capabilities in the area”. They aim, Wu said, to “clamp down on the arrogance of separatist forces for ‘Taiwan independence’ and to discourage interference and intervention by external forces”. For Beijing, these are “reasonable, legitimate, and necessary measures”.


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