Video: Tucker Carlson releases first episode of new show on Twitter
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Video: Tucker Carlson releases first episode of new show on Twitter

Tucker Carlson speaks at Turning Point USA's AmericaFest 2022 on Dec. 17, 2022 in Phoenix. (Brian Cahn/ZUMA Press Wire/TNS)
June 07, 2023

Former Fox News host Tucker Carlson launched his new show “Tucker on Twitter” Tuesday evening, slamming “American media” for being “actively hostile” to anyone who challenges official narratives.

“But mostly they just ignore the stories that matter. What’s happened to the hundreds of billions of US dollars we’ve sent to Ukraine? No clue. Who organized those BLM riots three years ago? No one’s gotten to the bottom of that. What exactly happened on 9/11? Well, it’s still classified. How did Jeffrey Epstein make all that money? How did he die? How about JFK? And so endlessly on. Not only are the media not interested in any of this, they’re actively hostile to anybody who is. In journalism, curiosity is the gravest crime,” Carlson said.

“So if you’re wondering why our country seems so dysfunctional, this is a big part of the reason. Nobody knows what’s happening. A small group of people control accesses to all relevant information. And the rest of us don’t know. We’re allowed to yap all we want about racism, but go ahead and talk about something that really matters and see what happens. If you keep it up, they’ll make you be quiet. Trust us. That’s how they maintain control,” Carlson added.

Carlson then dove into a brief history lesson, highlighting how Russian citizens living under the Soviet Union’s rule in the 1970s “had a completely warped understanding of the United States” due to the manipulated information they were given.

The few Russians who knew the truth obtained their information through shortwave radio broadcasts “sometimes under the covers so the neighbors wouldn’t hear,” Carlson said.  

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“Fifty years later, it is bewildering to consider the ironies here: we’re the ones who live in ignorance now. The U.S. government has managed to classify more than a billion so-called public documents. So, at this point we can’t possibly know what our leaders are doing. We’re not allowed to know. By definition, that is not a democracy,” Carlson continued. “Yet it’s fine with the media. Secrecy is a powerful tool of control. Stop asking how we got so rich, here’s another story about racism! Go eat each other. That’s the program. That’s how most of us now live here in the United States.”

“Manipulated by lies, silenced by taboos. It is unhealthy and is dehumanizing and we’re tired of it,” he added. “As of today, we’ve come to Twitter, which we hope will be the shortwave radio under the blankets. We’re told they are no gatekeepers here. If that turns out to be false, we’ll leave. But in the meantime, we’re grateful to be here.”

This was a breaking news story. The details were periodically updated as more information became available.