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Video: Chelsea Handler attacks Tucker Carlson over her ‘childless’ video

Typing on a computer. (Dreamstime/TNS)
February 16, 2023

Comedian Chelsea Handler blasted Tucker Carlson and other conservative commentators as “crybabies” for their reactions to a recent video in which she bragged about not having any children or a husband.

The video prompted Carlson to criticize Handler on his primetime Fox News show as “an aging, deeply unlikeable woman.” A guest on the show, radio host Jesse Kelly, said Handler’s “womb resembles a dried-up tumbleweed blowing down an old western town.”

In a video posted on Twitter, Handler played a montage of the criticism before appearing to blow cigarette smoke at the camera and striking back.

She referred to the round of criticism as “an emergency meeting of the Receding Hairline Society” and said, “Why would I even need my own children when I get to hear these crybabies all the time?”

“You guys seem so triggered by me,” she continued. “I mean, my goodness, Tucker. I think it is time for you to ask yourself a serious question: Are you really upset about how much freedom I have, or are you upset that you haven’t been able to take it away from me yet?”

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Handler’s original video, “A Day In The Life Of a Childless Woman,” was released last week on the YouTube channel for The Daily Show, which she was guest-hosting. The video covers several humorous scenarios designed to highlight the freedom of not having kids or being married.

“I wake up at 6 a.m. I remember that I have no kids to take to school, so I take an edible, masturbate and go back to sleep,” she said in the video. “I wake up at 12:30 p.m. and get ready for a busy day of doing whatever the f–k I feel like.”

“I get ready for a night out with whatever hot guy I met on Raya that morning,” she continued. “I call up a babysitter and tell her that I don’t need her since I still don’t have kids.”

In her response to critics, Handler gave a “quick shoutout” to Ben Shapiro, a commentator who asserted “it’s written all over her face how miserable she is” in the original video. She thanked Shapiro for helping her not have children, saying, “Who needs the birth control pill when your voice is 100 percent effective?”