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Report: Military COVID vaccine adverse effects often ignored, whistleblowers claim

Tech. Sgt. Joseph Anthony holds a COVID-19 vaccine vial at the Pittsburgh International Airport Air Reserve Station, Pennsylvania, Feb. 4, 2021. (U.S. Air Force photo by Joshua J. Seybert)
February 21, 2023

The Department of Defense ingored numerous reports of adverse health effects related to the COVID-19 vaccines, according to whistleblowers who spoke with the Daily Caller.

The Defense Health Agency (DHA) told the Daily Caller that it maintains a database where individuals can self-report adverse vaccine effects through. Whistleblowers, however, told the outlet that many instances of adverse effects were never added to the database.

Many reports of adverse vaccine effects are entered in the Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS). One whistleblower, described as a former military flight doctor, said the military initially planned to keep a separate dataset for service members, but the plan never materialized.

“Initially it appeared that there was going to be a specific tracking for military members, but nope, just VAERS,” the flight surgeon said.

The doctor said some post-vaccination health events weren’t ever entered into VAERS because military medical providers didn’t document these cases as being vaccine-related.

A Marine Corps aviation safety officer told the Daily Caller he had noticed a “disturbing” increase in medical reports after the introduction of the COVID-19 vaccines, but said incidents were not entered in VAERS or otherwise treated as vaccine-related injuries.

There is one entry in VAERS for a service member who died of myocarditis after receiving doses of the PFizer-BioNTech COVID-19 vaccines. That 18-year-old individual’s records show that he had a previously undiagnosed anomaly in his left artery, which apparently preceded his vaccination.

A 101-page whistleblower report shared with the Daily Caller in January of last year described numerous injuries following the COVID-19 vaccine. The report documented a U.S. Air Force reservist who experianced a stroke and career-ending eyesight problems following her second dose of the Pfizer-BioNTech vaccine. The report also documented an Air Force fighter pilot instructor, who was hospitalized less than a day after receiving the single-dose Johnson & Johnson vaccine and was later diagnosed with heart inflammation and severe allergic reaction.

On their website, DHA states effected individuals or their healthcare providers can call a number to report an adverse health effect and provide documentation for their case. One issue that may have arisen is healthcare provides who did not take reports of adverse effects seriously or document them when they were first reported.

“I have had some members tell me that the doctors they saw dismissed their symptoms,” a civilian physician for the Air Force National Guard told the DCNF. “If symptoms weren’t dismissed, they would either ignore the possibility of vax injury, or would outright tell people that there’s no way the vax caused their symptoms.”

“Every doc I talked to about my ‘issues’ from the [vaccine] were ignored, not taken seriously, or I was told that my issues were due to my age,” another service member told the Daily Caller.

The vaccine had been mandatory for the entire military until only recently, when Congress repealed the mandate through a provision in the National Defense Authorization Act for 2023. Prior to the mandate’s repeal, thousands of service members had requested exemptions to the vaccine requirement, but many were denied.

“I’d had adverse reactions to the flu mist, flu shot, anthrax, and yellow fever vaccines with similar ingredients. The chief medical doc on base literally told me, ‘While you’re the perfect candidate for an exemption, we’ve been directed to deny all medical requests,’” a service member told the Daily Caller.