North Scranton latest neighborhood getting Hometown Heroes veterans banners | American Military News
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North Scranton latest neighborhood getting Hometown Heroes veterans banners

The American flag. (U.S. Air Force Photo/Master Sgt. Scott T. Sturkol)
February 19, 2023

North Scranton will become the latest neighborhood in the city to put up Hometown Heroes veterans banners on utility poles along streets.

Theodore J. Wint VFW Post 25, 2291 Rockwell Ave., will accept applications Sunday from 1-4 p.m. for banners that will go up on four main streets in the neighborhood.

Anyone interested in purchasing a banner for a veteran must provide a photo of the veteran and a check, cash or money order for $265, said North Scranton Neighborhood Association President Kathleen Quinn.

“We’re honoring our veterans. They risked their lives — some of them lost their lives — for us,” Quinn said.

Proliferating throughout the city in recent years, the banners become eyecatching additions to streetscapes in Minooka, West Side, South Side, East Mountain and the Hill Section.

Quinn expects that many residents in North Scranton also will want banners put up in honor of their family member veterans.

North Scranton banners will go up along Rockwell Avenue, Oak Street, West Market Street and North Main Avenue between Green Ridge Street and West/East Parker streets.

VFW Post 25 also will put up banners at Providence Square for five Vietnam War veterans killed in action, post Commander James Kuchwara said.

“These are all for veterans. It’s a good thing,” Kuchwara said of the Hometown Heroes banners. “We want to see people who deserve a banner get one.”

Organizers hope to have banners installed by July 4, Quinn said.


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