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Sen. Kennedy says Arlington Nat’l Cemetery is why ‘you should stand your ass up’ for the Nat’l Anthem

Sen. John Kennedy (Wikimedia Commons)
March 29, 2022

Sen. John Kennedy (R-La.) said last month that the men and women buried at Arlington National Cemetery are why “you should stand your ass up” for the National Anthem.  

“I believe that Arlington National Cemetery – have you been? If you haven’t: go. If you’ve been: go twice. Go again. I believe that Arlington National Cemetery contains 400,000 reasons why you should stand your ass up for the National Anthem,” Kennedy said during his speech at the annual Conservative Political Action Conference (CPAC) in Orlando, Florida last month.

The pro-America remarks earned a standing ovation as chants of “USA!” filled the auditorium.

Kennedy went on to slam the Biden administration as a group of “idiots” who need to be voted out of office in order to prevent the United States from being lost.

“I believe that America was founded by geniuses, but it’s being run by idiots. I believe that you can’t fix stupid, but you can vote it out. I believe that America, unless we lose it, is the greatest country in all of human history, and the whole world knows it. Let me ask you something: when’s the last time you heard of someone trying to sneak into China? America is so great that people who hate it refuse to leave it,” Kennedy said.

“I say this gently: so far, the Biden administration sucks. President Biden has mismanaged COVID, he’s mismanaged Congress, he’s mismanaged the border, he’s mismanaged crime, he’s mismanaged foreign policy, and Afghanistan. He’s also mismanaged inflation,” he continued.

Kennedy recognized the stain that slavery left on the United States’ history and praised Americans today for focusing more on character than race.

“I believe that America is not perfect, but we are good. Like every other culture in the history of humanity, America caught the disease of slavery. But we beat it back. And we passed civil rights laws in 1866, 1871, 1875, 1960, 1964, 1968, 1990, and 1991. And I’m probably leaving some out,” he continued. “The truth is that most Americans don’t think that much about race. They think about character and they understand that souls have no color.”

Kennedy also slammed “wokeism” and “cancel culture,” which he argued are “strangling a free people.”

“I believe that cancel culture, which is the military wing of wokeism, is strangling a free people. You are not free if you can’t express yourself. You are not free if you cannot say what you think,” Kennedy said. “I believe that the nauseously woke Washington insider elites, the permanent Washington types, you know who I’m talking about. The vanilla soy extra foam latte crowd that lives in the Georgetown condos with the important art on their walls don’t respect our ideas. They don’t care what we think. And they believe they’re better than us.”

“Like I said, you can’t fix stupid, but by-God you can vote it out,” he added.