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Here’s Biden’s response to Russia declaring war, attacking Ukraine

US President Joe Biden and Russian President Vladimir Putin (Adam Schultz/White House) | Russian President Vladimir Putin during virtual meetings on March 18, 2021. (Kremlin/Released)
February 23, 2022

President Joe Biden called Russian President Vladimir Putin’s declaration of war and subsequent military action against Ukraine late Wednesday an “unprovoked and unjustified” attack. Biden’s statement was released shortly after Russian forces had begun entering Ukraine from Crimea.

President Biden’s statement said the following:

The prayers of the entire world are with the people of Ukraine tonight as they suffer an unprovoked and unjustified attack by Russian military forces. President Putin has chosen a premeditated war that will bring a catastrophic loss of life and human suffering. Russia alone is responsible for the death and destruction this attack will bring, and the United States and its Allies and partners will respond in a united and decisive way. The world will hold Russia accountable. 

I will be monitoring the situation from the White House this evening and will continue to get regular updates from my national security team. Tomorrow, I will meet with my G7 counterparts in the morning and then speak to the American people to announce the further consequences the United States and our Allies and partners will impose on Russia for this needless act of aggression against Ukraine and global peace and security. We will also coordinate with our NATO Allies to ensure a strong, united response that deters any aggression against the Alliance. Tonight, Jill and I are praying for the brave and proud people of Ukraine. 

Sen. Marco Rubio (R-FL) posted a breakdown of the ongoing Russian invasion of Ukraine on Twitter, writing that Putin is working to “decapitate” the Ukrainian government.

“Russia is now working on: -establishing air superiority via targeted surgical strikes -a pincer movement to trap Ukrainian forces in the east & cut them off from Kyiv -finally attempt to decapitate Ukrainian govt by targeting govt buildings, leaders & command & control systems,” Rubio tweeted.

“Russia’s airborne forces are attempting to take control of the airport in Kyiv to they can fly in forces to occupy the capitol city. An amphibious assault on the key port city of Mariupol is now underway. Ground forces now moving in from Belarus,Crimea & from Russia,” he said in a follow-up tweet.

Former President Donald Trump called into Fox News Wednesday night and told host Laura Ingraham that he believes Putin’s declaration of war was caused by the Biden administration’s “weakness in Afghanistan.”

“Well this is something that should have never happened. This would not have happened during my administration,” Trump said, later adding, “It’s a very sad thing for the world, for the country, and it’s certainly very sad for a lot of people that are going to be needlessly killed.”

“The way it started, I really don’t believe he wanted to do this initially. I think he wanted to do something and negotiate it and it just got worse and worse and then he saw the weakness,” Trump continued. “And you know it really started, I think, with the weakness in Afghanistan and the way [the Biden administration] pulled out of Afghanistan. I really believe that’s where he started thinking, you know, he can do this.”

In 2014, during former President Barack Obama’s administration, Russia annexed Crimea from Ukrainian control and has provided military support to separatist areas in eastern Ukraine. Russia previously sent troops into the separatist areas but had denied those actions until this week.