Vandal who spray-painted ‘Taliban’ on 9/11 memorial caught on video, South Carolina police say | American Military News
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Vandal who spray-painted ‘Taliban’ on 9/11 memorial caught on video, South Carolina police say

A person vandalized a 9/11 memorial in Greenville, South Carolina. (Greenville County Sheriff's Office /TNS)

A surveillance camera recorded the person who vandalized a 9/11 memorial in Greenville, South Carolina, according to the Greenville County Sheriff’s Office.

A person vandalized a 9/11 memorial in Greenville, South Carolina. (Greenville County Sheriff’s Office /TNS)

The suspect has not been identified, but a description of both he and his vehicle were released Monday. Greenville is about 100 miles northwest of Columbia.

”Investigators have obtained video … that depicts what is believed to be a white male pulling up to Upstate Granite Solutions at around 7:30 a.m. … in a gray SUV,” the department said in a release.

“The subject, wearing a dark hat, white shirt and dark pants, gets out (and) writes ‘Taliban’ on the memorial before driving down New Easley Highway towards Pickens County.”

Anyone with information on the vehicle or suspect is asked to contact Crime Stoppers of Greenville at (864) 23-CRIME, officials said.

This year marked the 20th anniversary of the terrorist attacks in New York and Washington, D.C., resulting in elaborate ceremonies and memorials across the nation.

The Upstate Granite Solutions memorial includes two granite towers — similar to the World Trade Center towers — along with small flags for the thousands killed and colored lighting.

“Takes more than a little spray paint to destroy our spirit of patriotism!” the company posted Monday on Facebook. “Someone vandalized the Twin Towers Memorial last night. Thankfully the damage was minimal and cleaned off.”

The damage ignited outrage on social media, because it went beyond vandalism to include the name of a terrorist organization. Some people have even offered to stand guard in shifts at the site.

“This makes us mad and sad at the same time,” one commenter posted on the company’s Facebook page.

“That is just disgusting that someone would do this. If you hate this country get the heck out!” another wrote.


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