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Rasmussen poll: 52% of likely US voters say Biden should resign after Afghanistan withdrawal

President Joe Biden speaks about the situation in Kabul, Afghanistan, from the East Room of the White House on Thursday, Aug. 26, 2021, in Washington, D.C. (Drew Angerer/Getty Images/TNS)
September 02, 2021

A new Rasmussen Reports poll released Wednesday found that 52 percent of likely U.S. voters think President Joe Biden should resign after the U.S. withdrawal from Afghanistan.

The poll found a 52 percent majority of respondents believe Biden should resign over his handling of the U.S. withdrawal from Afghanistan. Thirty-nine percent of respondents disagree, saying Biden should not resign while nine percent of respondents were not sure.

The three-question survey was conducted among 1,000 U.S. citizens considered likely voters from August 30 to 31. Rasmussen reported the poll has a sampling error of +/- 3 percent with a 95 percent level of confidence.

The survey took place as the U.S. military entered the final day of its mission in Afghanistan, evacuating U.S. civilians, Afghan civilians and military personnel.

The poll also found 75 percent of Republican voters believed Biden should resign, compared to 32 percent of Democrat voters and 48 percent of independents.

In addition to this particular poll’s findings, Rasmussen reported on Wednesday that its rolling three-day average approval rating poll for Biden showed the president reached a record low approval rating.

“Reader Alert: Last night we recorded a new low single-overnight approval result in President Biden’s job approval history and today he will set a record low in our 3-day rolling approval avg. And this is not even the worst news we have from all voters for him this morning,” Rasmussen Reports tweeted.

According to the Rasmussen polling results, 56 percent of respondents disapproved of Biden’s job in office, compared to 42 percent who approved, a net negative of 14 percentage points in Biden’s approval ratings.

Rasmussen wasn’t the only poll to show negative views towards Biden amid the U.S. withdrawal from Afghanistan. On Thursday, the Real Clear Politics polling average for Biden’s job approval showed the president at a net negative of four percentage points.

Similar to Rasmussen’s findings, a new USA Today/Suffolk poll also found Biden’s job approval at a net negative 14 percentage points, with 55 percent disapproving of his job performance, compared to 41 percent approving.

A new NPR/PBS/Marist poll showed 51 percent disapproval for Biden against 43 percent approval, a net negative eight percentage points.

A new Politico/Morning Consult poll also had Biden down two percent, with 49 percent disapproving of his job performance against 47 percent approving.

By contrast, a new Economist/YouGov poll placed Biden at a net one percent approval, with 47 percent approval against 46 percent disapproval.

A new poll by The Hill/HarrisX was more favorable to Biden with a net six percent approval rating. In that poll, he had 49 percent approval against 43 percent disapproval. Those numbers still represented a six-point drop in Biden’s approval in The Hill’s polling at the beginning of August. At the start of August, Biden had a 55 percent approval against a 40 percent disapproval, for a 15 point net positive approval rating.

A new Reuters/Ipsos poll also shared a slim three-percent net approval for Biden, with 49 percent approving of Biden against 46 percent disapproving.