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#DictatorBiden trends as US reacts to Biden’s forced vaccine mandate for 80M Americans

President Joe Biden. (White House/Released)
September 10, 2021

Americans on social media posted divided reactions over President Joe Biden’s new COVID rules, which impose mandatory vaccinations on federal employees and require private businesses with 100 or more employees to mandate employees be vaccinated or tested weekly in a move affecting an estimated 80 million working Americans.

Those opposed to Biden’s vaccine plans have shared hashtags such as #DictatorBiden, #MassNonCompliance and #DoNotComply.

Kevin Hodge and Keith Hodge, who comprise the duo of conservative internet personalities known as the Hodge Twins, tweeted, “You liberal politicians have always said private business can do whatever they want, its a woman’s choice etc, on the right we all know that was just political BS for votes! When are you so called liberals are gonna wake up? These politicians are playing us! #DictatorBiden.”

Another Twitter user shared a video of Biden in December saying he does not think the COVID-vaccine should be mandatory. “Remember this @POTUS? Silly me, you can’t even remember what you had for breakfast. #MassNonCompliance#DoNotComply#DictatorBiden.”

Another Twitter account shared video of a White House press conference in July, in which White House Press Secretary Jen Psaki was asked if the federal government should issue a vaccine mandate, to which she replied, “That’s not the role of the federal government.”

RNC Research similarly tweeted a video of Democrat House Speaker Nancy Pelosi saying, “We cannot require someone to be vaccinated, that’s just not what we can do. It is a matter of privacy”

Dr. David Samadi tweeted, “I have been against a #VaccineMandate from the start of this pandemic. I’ve made my position clear time & time again. No two people have the same health issues. Every person should consult with their doctor on whether or not to vaccinate. Healthcare is not one-size-fits-all.”

Another Twitter user tweeted, “My body my choice…Except when it comes to injecting things into my body, that is the governments choice. Unreal the times we live in #VaccineMandate #DoNotComply #DictatorBiden.”

While some Americans criticized Biden’s vaccine plans, others appeared to praise the mandates and even joke about them.

EW and Huffington Post television host Heather Gardner tweeted a video of her reaction to the mandate. “Sorry, not sorry unvaccinated America. We are done with letting you prolong the pandemic over your ‘freedumb’… The #VaccineMandate is here. Deal with it.”

In her video, Gardner said, “Covid could’ve been over faster than Liz Cheney’s leadership role in the Republican Party if everyone had just gotten their damn shots. So now the Biden administration is prioritizing the freedoms of responsible members of society.”

“Bottom line,” Gardner continued, “We are done with you fucking this up for the rest of us. And while they can’t force a shot into your arm, they can make not getting one far more painful than a needle.”

Chip Franklin, a liberal radio commentator and an author at Inside The Beltway tweeted a call for people to show their support for Biden after his mandate.

“Today, more than ever, Biden needs our support,” Franklin tweeted. “Will you show @JoeBiden you got his back on the #VaccineMandate by giving him a like and a [retweet]?”

Another Twitter user tweeted, “God I loved triggered Trumpers. #Osha #VaccineMandate. Go to hell,” with a GIF of a gloating child.

Journalist Davi Leavitt tweeted, “Enough is enough. Make vaccines mandatory. #ThursdayThoughts,” and “Republicans can GO TO HELL #VaccineMandate.”

Another Twitter user, Lindi Li, a self-described Biden delegate, went a step further in calling for a vaccine mandate to be extended to travel on airlines.

“We need a #VaccineMandate for planes,” she tweeted. “If you won’t get vaccinated, then stay on the f’ing ground. Flying is a privilege not a right. We’re sick of seeing crazies screaming about masks, trashing airports & terrorizing passengers. Time to go on the offensive and take our skies back.”

Nick Knudsen, the current executive director of DemCastUSA recommended those opposed to the mandate find new jobs in offices not affected by the mandates.

“The right is bellyaching over the coming #VaccineMandate,” Knudsen tweeted. “It’s only a mandate if you have certain types of jobs. If you don’t want to get the vaccine, you can always find new employment. Problem solved. You’re welcome.”