Mat Best at Black Rifle Coffee Company has become a staple in the veteran-focused comedy sector. Mat is an obvious advocate of two central things: guns and coffee. In this video, he shows some of the basic techniques needed to successfully carry a sidearm on you every day.
People across America who want to utilize their 2nd Amendment right face issues across the full spectrum—city, county, state, and federal regulations make understanding the limits to carrying a firearm based on your location. In addition to knowing the specific rules and regulations, knowing what type of firearm to carry and what fits your need is an additional challenge firearm carrier must figure out. Mat produced this video to offer some helpful hints and advice to his viewers on how to choose the right firearm. His first hint is to adjust your sidearm based on the environment in which you are operating—for instance, he chooses a waterproof and highly dependable AK-74 variant while in a amphibious environment, or his bath tub.

He’s also not a very vocal advocate for using your words, or hand-to-hand techniques to convince an attacker to not harm you. Instead Mat prefers to rely on his own abilities to provide protection for himself, his family, and his home. Mat even offers the audience a glimpse into his minimalist approach to his Everyday Carry (EDC) philosophy. Here it goes:
- An appendix Carry
- Cheap Pocketknife
- Pocket 1911s
- Hip Revolver
- Cargo Pocket 43s
- Backpocket Glocks
- Ankle Carry SCAR
- Toe carry MP5
- Thigh carry Glock
- Back carry shotguns
- Back carry AR-15s
- Horizontal carry AR-15
- Flip flop carry shotgun
- Appendix AR-15
- Appendix carry AK
- Appendix carry Turkey gun
- Prisoner wallet suppressed carry
- Ballistic jock strap carry
- Back .308 carry
- Everyday carry resupply (all the magazines)
- Salt bae (all the ammo)
- And his watch
Now Mat’s ready to go to the grocery store.

He reminds the viewers that you don’t necessarily need to carry while you are at home, because you have access to all the guns you need. You just need to make sure you know where your guns at, they’re loaded, and you can quickly respond to an intruder. There’s an obvious degree of humor to his advice—no one will realistically need that many guns for an EDC. But the point Mat best makes is that everyone will have their own preference, and some deliberate thought should go into that decision before making the decision to carry outside of your home.