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Secret Service shoots armed suspect outside White House; Trump escorted out of briefing

President Trump escorted out of the White House briefing room amid a shooting outside. (White House/Released)
August 10, 2020

President Donald Trump was quickly escorted from the White House briefing room on Monday evening amid a shooting outside the White House.

Trump had just begun his briefing when after three minutes, a Secret Service agent approached him and whispered something in his ear. Without saying anything to the press, Trump followed the Secret Service out of the room. Watch the exchange at approximately 50:07 in the video below.

He returned to the briefing room after a short while and confirmed there was a shooting outside the White House and an individual was taken to the hospital.

“It seems that the shooting was done by law enforcement at that person – that suspect,” Trump said, adding that the suspect was armed before taken down by Secret Service.

Trump said no other individuals were injured.

“I just want to thank Secret Service. The job they do – it’s fantastic,” he said. “I feel very safe with Secret Service.”

A reporter asked if Trump was rattled, to which he replied, “Do I seem rattled?”

“The world has been a dangerous place and it will continue for a period of time,” he said.

The Secret Service later posted an update saying, “Update: the investigation into a USSS officer involved shooting is ongoing. A male subject and a USSS officer were both transported to a local hospital. At no time during this incident was the White House complex breached or were any protectees in danger.”

Video posted to social media appears to show a suspect laying on the ground receiving medical aid while surrounded by law enforcement. The video cannot yet be verified for its authenticity.

Trump said he was escorted to the Oval Office where he remained until Secret Service gave the clear for him to return to the press briefing.