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60+ Secret Service agents injured in assaults from violent rioters

People walk past graffiti painted in Lafayette Park near the White House during overnight protests following the death in Minneapolis police custody of George Floyd, in Washington on June 1, 2020. (Yuri Gripas/Abaca Press/TNS)
June 01, 2020

More than 60 U.S. Secret Service agents were injured by rioters over the weekend as violent demonstrations unfolded again in Washington, D.C. and other major U.S. cities.

In a statement published to Twitter on Sunday, the Secret Service provided an update of their injured officers from Friday and Saturday night’s events. It’s not yet clear if any additional injuries took place on Sunday night.

“Between Friday night and Sunday morning, more than 60 Secret Service Uniformed Division Officers and Special Agents sustained multiple injuries from projectiles such as bricks, rocks, bottles, fireworks and other items. Secret Service personnel were also directly physically assaulted as they were kicked, punched, and exposed to bodily fluids. A total of 11 injured employees were transported to a local hospital and treated for non-life threatening injuries,” the statement said.

The service said it made only one arrest during Saturday night protests outside the White House. None of the protesters breached the White House fence.

“The Secret Service respects the right to assemble, and we ask that individuals do so peacefully for the safety for all,” the statement added.

On Friday night, the service arrested six protesters near the White House who were also described as “violent, assaulting Secret Service officers and Special Agents with bricks, rocks, bottles, fireworks, and other items.”

A city-wide curfew was implemented over the weekend between 11 p.m. and 6 a.m. Curfews have been imposed in at least 40 other major U.S. cities and the National Guard has been deployed in 15 states.

D.C. Mayor Muriel Bowser acknowledged on Monday that the protests appeared to be professionally organized.

“We’ve seen some of these tactics before, so we know they were among the groups here,” Bowser told Today. “The types of tools they use, restocking, setting fires here and there to try to draw in the police to various locations.”

Bowser also urged protesters to remain peaceful, and avoid destroying the city.

“We recognize that people are frustrated and mad, but tearing up our beautiful city is not the way to bring attention to what is a righteous cause,” she added.

President Donald Trump and Attorney General Bill Barr both declared that the nationwide riots appear to be fueled by the extreme left antifascist “ANTIFA” movement.

Trump said on Sunday that the U.S. would be designating ANTIFA a terrorist organization. Barr had said on Saturday that peaceful demonstrations were being hijacked by the extremist group.