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Iraq’s counter-terrorism forces kill senior ISIS member

Iraq's Counter-Terrorism Service (Staff Sgt. Alex Manne/WikiCommons)

Iraq’s counter-terrorism forces said they have killed the man Daesh referred to as its “Governor of Iraq,” Moataz Numan Al-Jubouri, during an airstrike in Syria, state news agency INA reported.

Iraqi security forces had previously tried targeting Al-Jubouri, who also goes by Haji Tayseer, 16 times, and had continued to track him after he fled the country.

“Your heroes in the counter-terrorism apparatus continue to pursue the remnants of the terrorists Daesh wherever they are found,” INA quoted a statement by the counter-terrorism forces.

The statement added that the Iraqi security forces were using modern technology in the ongoing war against the militants.

On Tuesday, Iraq’s forces said they had destroyed three Daesh armed-vehicles in the Ar-Rutbah desert after they were discovered by two surveillance planes.

Authorities have also captured Daesh leader Abdul Nasser Qardash, who is considered a successor to the terror group’s former chief Abu Bakr Al-Baghdadi last week.


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