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Congressman Rose deploys with Army National Guard to fight coronavirus

MTA New York City Transit President Andy Byford and Congressman Max Rose hold a ceremonial ribbon cutting at the Yukon Depot on Mon., June 17, 2019. (Marc A. Hermann / MTA New York City Transit)
April 01, 2020

Democratic Congressman Max Rose deployed with the Army National Guard in Staten Island on Wednesday to take part in the fight against coronavirus.

Rose is a combat veteran and current Army National Guard Captain. He will spend the next few weeks engaged in coronavirus response efforts while serving as an Operations Officer, according to Rose’s congressional website.

Rose said, “Over the past month I have seen acts of incredible bravery and sacrifice by our first responders, nurses, doctors, and essential workers who never thought they’d be on the front lines of a crisis like the COVID-19 pandemic.”

“My activation and deployment is nothing compared to what our city, state, and country has asked of all them. And it’s certainly nothing compared to the other men and women serving in uniform both here at home and overseas. I am just trying to do my duty and my small part,” Rose added.

In 2012 and 2013, Rose was on active duty in Afghanistan and during his tour he earned a Bronze Star, Purple Heart, and Combat Infantry Badge.

Rose is the first post-9/11 combat veteran to represent New York City, elected into Congress. He has remained in the National Guard and is a former Company Commander.

Before joining Congress, Rose was the Chief of Staff for Brightpoint Health, a non-profit healthcare organization that has served residents of New York for more than two decades.

Last week, Rose was part of the passing of the notable CARES Act, which brought significant relief to New York during the COVID-19 pandemic by offering in excess of $40 billion.

Rose also said, “I want to thank Governor Cuomo for his leadership in identifying and securing these critical sites for Staten Island and I look forward to serving my state beside so many dedicated public servants. Like many Guardsmen and women across the country, I am leaving my day job to serve our nation. Unlike them, I will be able to return to it in order to vote if needed. That’s a privilege and responsibility that I take very seriously. I’m also grateful to have an amazing staff who will continue their work on behalf of Staten Islanders and South Brooklynites. Together, I know we will overcome this pandemic.”

Rose works out of New York’s 11th Congressional District and his office will remain fully functional during his deployment.