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Iranian state media calls Joe Biden ‘feeble-minded’ and ‘incoherent’ – previously called Trump Zionist puppet

Former Vice President Joe Biden speaks at the International Association of Fire Fighters (IAFF) Legislative Conference on March 12, 2019, in Washington, D.C. (Olivier Douliery/ Abaca Press/TNS)
March 06, 2020

An Iranian state-run media outlet has criticized former Vice President Joe Biden, calling him “feeble-minded’ and “incoherent” in spite of his recent strong showing in the Super Tuesday primaries.

PressTV, a 24-hour English language affiliate of the Islamic Republic of Iran Broadcasting agency, shared criticisms of Biden for his support of the Iraq war in a Wednesday report. The outlet also published an interview with political analyst Myles Hoenig, in which Hoenig predicted Biden’s recent Democratic presidential primary wins only benefited President Donald Trump.

The Tehran-based outlet has continued many pro-Iranian lines of commentary and in December shared an interview with a commentator who said Trump is “completely controlled by criminal Zionists.”

The critical report started with an audio segment between Biden and a pair of U.S. Iraq war veterans who criticized Biden’s support for the Iraq war. One told Biden “You are disqualified.”

“We’re just wondering why we should vote for someone who voted for a war and enabled a war that killed thousands of our brothers and sisters and countless Iraqi civilians,” the veteran continued. “Their blood is on your hands as well.”

Biden pushed back during the confrontation, noting that his own son Beau Biden who served in Iraq. The veteran went on to say “Trump is more anti-war than Joe Biden.”

Hoenig, who PressTV did not disclose ran for Congress in 2016 as a Green Party candidate, was featured later on in the report. He went on to suggest Biden’s Tuesday primary victories appeared to be “sidelining” Vermont Independent Sen. Bernie Sanders’ campaign, and warned Biden’s Democratic primary Biden’s victory would lend itself to President Donald Trump’s reelection.

“Trump won Super Tuesday. In a surprising election outcome Joe Biden had handed Donald Trump and the American people four more years of the kind of insanity coming from the White House that so many had hoped to put an end to,” Hoenig said. “Democrats had voted to replace a psychologically disturbed president with one who is feeble minded, incoherent and with a history of neo-liberal policies ranging from racism by supporting increase incarceration of people of color to anti-unionism with support of the Trans Pacific Partnership, and everything in between.”

Hoenig’s “feeble-minded” remarks seemed to focus in on several of Biden’s campaign gaffes in recent weeks. In one recent set of remarks ahead of the Super Tuesday primaries, Biden caught himself as he nearly referred to the high profile primary election event as “Super Thursday.”

In another recent incident Biden appeared to stumble over his words as he tried to recite the preamble of Declaration of Independence stating, “we hold these truths to be self evident, all men and women created by the, you know, you know the thing.”

Hoenig warned that if Biden wins the Democratic party’s nomination, it would risk dissatisfying many Sanders supporters who may, in turn, show up to vote in fewer numbers or not at all for Biden.

He also said Biden’s victory amounted to a return to “some of the most regressive times in American history.”