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Trump honors Conan the Baghdadi raid dog at White House

President Donald Trump, Vice President Mike Pence, and First Lady Melania Trump honor Conan the military working dog at the White House on Nov. 25, 2019. (White House/Released)
November 25, 2019

Conan the military dog credited with taking down ISIS leader Abu Bakr al Baghdadi received honors at the White House on Monday in an unannounced ceremony.

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“Conan came over from the Middle East and just arrived with some of the great people from the Special Forces that did the incredible … flawless attack,” Trump said.

“We just gave Conan a medal and a plaque,” he said. “I actually think Conan knew exactly what was going on.”

Conan had appeared from the White House with Trump, along with First Lady Melania Trump and Vice President Mike Pence. Trump said he met with Special Forces members inside the White House

“Conan is a tough cookie and nobody’s gonna mess with Conan,” Trump said.

Trump said he asked the Special Forces team what chance a strong, grown man would have to get away from Conan.

“The answer was none. He’d have no chance,” Trump said.

Conan had chased Baghdadi into a tunnel beneath his compound and cornered him during the Delta Force raid last month. After Baghdadi detonated his suicide vest, killing himself and his three children, the dog suffered injuries.

“Our canine, as they call – I call it a dog, a beautiful dog, a talented dog – was injured and brought back,” Trump said last month.

However, Conan returned to service right away and was slated to visit the White House to be honored for his act.

He was among multiple dogs who flew into the area with special forces personnel on eight helicopters.

Conan is a Belgian Malnois, a breed similar to the German Shepherd and frequently used in military operations, including the 2011 Navy SEAL raid that killed Al Qaeda leader Osama bin Laden.