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AZ gun store’s ‘Beto Special’ sells out of AR-15s in 4 hours

AR-15. (Michael Guio/Flickr)
September 18, 2019

Following Robert “Beto” O’Rourke’s comments about gun confiscation at last week’s Democratic presidential debate, an Arizona gun store saw customers clearing out its supply of AR-15 rifles.

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The Tempe, Ariz.-based Alpha Dog Firearms sold out of AR-15s after announcing a “Beto Special,” according to the Daily Caller. The gun store was selling AR-15s for as low as $349.99 in response to comments made by O’Rourke in which he indicated adamant mandatory buybacks or confiscations of the rifle during the Thursday night debate.

“Hell yes, we’re going to take your AR-15,” the presidential candidate said in response to a question by ABC News debate moderator, who asked if the former Texas congressman supported a mandatory buyback, as opposed to a volunteer-based turn-over of rifles such as the AR-15 and AK-47.

During the debate, O’Rourke made frequent reference to a recent shooting attack in his home town of El Paso, Texas, in order to justify his calls for gun legislation that would go beyond the voluntary buybacks and magazine capacity limits proposed by other candidates on the debate stage.

The candidate proposed he would ban any type of gun “if it’s a weapon that was designed to kill people on a battlefield.”

On Friday, the day after the debate, Alpha Dog Firearms announced the flash sale as a response to O’Rourke’s remarks.

“Our $349.99 AR deal sold out in less than 4 hours,” they announced in a Friday Facebook post. “We’re trying to process the orders and work on getting more special deals for our good friend gun grabber Beto.

In the original Facebook announcement of the sale, Alpha Dog Firearms said, “we’re discounting AR15’s to such a low price that EVERY AMERICAN can afford one.”

On Tuesday, the company’s website still appeared to be honoring the promotional sale code “Beto” for purchases of other firearms. The company designated the deals in their website’s sub-category “Come Take Them.”

O’Rourke himself has also initiated efforts to raise money from his debate comments, announcing a t-shirt with a print of his “hell yes,” quote through his campaign’s store.

Following O’Rourke’s comments, Briscoe Cain tweeted a response to O’Rourke, in which he said, “my AR is ready for you.”

The tweet was removed by Twitter for violating its standards on advocating violence, though O’Rourke still responded to the original comment, describing Cain’s comments as a death threat.

During the debate, O’Rourke also blamed President Donald Trump for having “inspired” the El Paso shooter.

Fellow Democratic presidential contender Julián Castro also said Trump inspired the shooting attack.

California Senator Kamala Harris, who is also running said Trump “didn’t pull the trigger, but he’s certainly been tweeting out the ammunition.”