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49% of young Americans prefer to live in socialist country, poll finds

Socialist Worker campaign stall (William Starkey/
March 14, 2019

A new Harris poll indicates that socialism is becoming more popular among Generation Z and Millennials, with nearly half of those young Americans who were polled preferring it.

The poll, obtained exclusively by Axios, found that these two generations are much more open to “socialistic policies and principles” than other generations, showing that approximately half – 49.6 percent – would prefer living in a socialist country.

Millennials were born between 1981-1996, and Gen Z were born between 1995 and 2015. In the 2020 election, these two generations will account for some 37 percent of the electoral vote and their idea of what a presidential candidate should bring to the table is very different than generations past.

Socialism was a label that became more interesting during the last political campaign through socialist candidate, Bernie Sanders.

Each generation has different priorities. Gen Z, according to the poll, wants mass shootings, racial parity, immigration policies and the fair treatment of immigrants addressed. Millennials are more concerned with access to quality health care, global warming, climate change and mass shootings.

Generation X — those born between the 1960s and 1980 — wants the same issues addressed as the Baby Boomers and The Silent Generation — accessible health care, the national debt, terrorism, and national security.

Axios revealed that 61 percent of Americans aged 18-24 have a positive reaction to the word “socialism,” and “capitalism” comes in at just 58 percent.

A Pew Research Center survey shed some light on what the different generations are thinking. Over 50 percent of Gen Z Republicans welcome and embrace racial and ethnic diversity. Nearly half of Gen Z is something other than Caucasian.

Approximately 38 percent of Gen Z think that climate change is a result of human error, and 43 percent believe African-Americans in the U.S. don’t get the same treatment as whites do.

Surprisingly though, 60 percent think President Trump is doing a good job.

Most of those in Gen Z are not yet of legal voting age, but they have a strong voice and are making it heard.

Axios also revealed that Gen Z voters are likely Democrats and will account for more than 10 percent of the 2020 electorate.

A Pew Research study released in November that nearly 50 percent of those age 6-21 in the U.S. are Hispanic, African-American or Asian, which is politically substantial, according to Axios.

William Frey, author of “Diversity Explosion,” said, “How we deal with this racially diverse generation … will say a lot about how successful we will be as a nation.”

Frey added, “For Republicans, the threat is that younger generations, tending to care about abortion, gay rights, and immigration, will flock largely to Democrats.”