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Kellen Giuda: Why I founded American Military News

Kellen Giuda - Why I founded American Military News
November 19, 2018

I founded American Military News in 2015 because I believed then, as I still do now, that the world needs a news media and education company that reports and educates on the new global era of hyper-conflict, with an emphasis on the military. Over the last three years, American Military News has become a leader in this arena and our goal is to continue to grow as a leader in this age of conflict.

Our mission at American Military News is to be a source of news and education for the public to learn more about this new hyper-conflict era as it unfolds day-to-day and over the next many decades and century. We also look at the U.S. military internally, global foreign affairs, current events and cultural topics.

In no uncertain terms, a war for what values system will rule the world is being waged. This is not the type of static war that we as a public are accustomed to.

You will not see this war as you have in the past. Past wars were centered on linear point and shoot warfare. This new type of warfare is taking place in all arenas with unprecedented weapons, technologies and economic tools in battles that you cannot see and in places that you cannot go. In this new age of hyper-conflict, new wars include global economic and commodity manipulation, global DNA databases, non-sequential information flow, artificial intelligence, quantum computing, a new permanent space race, and more.

The events of this war affects every nation, every person’s individual human rights, your online and offline data and identity, your privacy, even your facial features and DNA, as those, too, are catalogued by technology companies and governments and then weaponized.

This war is between the western order of individual liberty and human rights, free-markets and rule of law and socialist, communist and other controlling, oppressive forces.

Do you know the people, government organizations, events, weapons, companies, strategic scenarios and considerations that will determine how these future events will unfold?

Annual spending by the global defense industry is a $1.7 trillion juggernaut that will continue growing, projected to reach $2.0 trillion by 2022. For a consumer markets comparison, the annual global smartphone market is less than a third of global defense spending at only $500 billion a year.

Aircraft carriers and fighter jets are only the tip of the iceberg. Where is this money going? Who is it influencing? Who is stealing it? With so many questions being asked, there is little public data and reporting readily available.

I have never questioned starting a media company in this volatile time for the news media industry because our mission is focused and unwavering.

We are learning, growing, adapting and excelling at what we do.

We are building a company that will ensure that you do know the answers to these questions through daily reporting, large and small in-person events and education tools.

We hear everyday from people who want to learn more. Our two mobile apps are some of the most popular on the Apple and Google app stores and currently have over 10,000 reviews for a total review score of 4.7 out of 5.0.

Our determination to be an honest and forthright broker of the news, information and education needed, is resolute.

Our reviews show this – our millions of readers every month know this and as American Military News grows, hundreds of millions more will see this.

We at AMN hope to earn your trust and prove to be consistent, honest brokers of news, information and education for the world today, and for the future of the world.

All opinion articles are the opinion of the author and not necessarily of American Military News. If you are interested in submitting an Op-Ed, please email [email protected].