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US Marine recognized for saving little boy from choking to death

U.S. Marine Corps Sgt. Tyler Harman (USA Today/YouTube)
July 10, 2018

When a 2-year-old Pensacola, Florida boy was choking on a grape that his mother couldn’t dislodge, she called on her Marine neighbor and he was able to remove the grape and save the boy.

Without a moment to spare, as the boy’s breathing weakened, Sgt. Tyler Harman rushed to the boy’s help and utilized his military CPR training.

Amber Strother, the boy’s mother, said the February day was normal until she heard strange noises coming from her son.

“He started making a weird noise I had never heard,” she said.

Strother tried to force the grape out herself, but nothing she was doing was working, the Epoch Times reported.

She knew she had to act fast, and that’s when she thought of her U.S. Marine Corps neighbor.

Frantically, she ran to his apartment and thankfully, he was home.

Even though Harman was still in his boxers, he rushed to help the child.

He started with hitting the boy’s back, and then resorted to reaching into the boy’s throat to remove the food manually; he was able to dislodge the grape.

By the time paramedics arrived, 2-year-old Rylan was breathing fine again.

“I don’t want to think about what could’ve happened if he hadn’t known what to do,” Strother said.

Harman didn’t mention his heroic act to his fellow Marines, but his grandfather did.

Harman’s squadron wanted to make sure their fellow Marine was recognized for his actions.

In a June ceremony, with Rylan in his arms, Harman was given the Navy and Marine Corps Achievement Medal.

In a short speech, Harman stressed the importance of taking training seriously to his fellow Marines.

“I hope for you Marines that you understand that there is a reason for all the training you get, even something as simple as a three-hour CPR class,” he said.

Rylan is celebrating his third birthday soon, thanks to Harman.