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Rep. Lee Zeldin and others call for second special counsel to investigate Clinton email scandal, Russia probe and more

Rep. Lee Zeldin (Congressman Lee Zeldin/Facebook)
May 23, 2018

At least 19 members of Congress on Tuesday introduced a House resolution detailing the misconduct of the Department of Justice and FBI that calls for the appointment of a second special counsel.

The 12-page resolution outlines the the DOJ and FBI’s misdealings in regard to FISA abuse, the Hillary Clinton email probe and the Trump-Russia probe, according to a press release from Rep. Lee Zeldin.

The Republicans backing the resolution have called for a second special counsel to be created and are encouraging Speaker Paul Ryan to introduce the resolution to the floor for a House vote.

“The concerns of the American people are serious and the issues requiring an immediate, unbiased, independent and thorough investigation are broad,” the resolution states.

The resolution also mentions recent claims by President Trump regarding someone who allegedly infiltrated his campaign as a spy to gain a political advantage.

“In just the past few days, we learned that the DOJ, FBI or both appear to have planted at least one person into Donald Trump’s Presidential campaign to infiltrate and surveil the campaign. This action alone reminds us of just how necessary this resolution is, as well as the appointment of a second special counsel,” Zeldin stated in the press release.

With regard to Hilary Clinton, the resolution states that State Department rules, regulations and protocol were violated with her use of the private email server in her home, and that former FBI Director James Comey had acknowledged the “secret” and “top secret” content found on her server.

“There is significant evidence that the use of this private server by Secretary Clinton was meant to avoid compliance with the Freedom of Information Act (5 U.S.C. 552) and done to obstruct justice by not having to turn over incriminating emails in the case of a subpoena,” the release said.

The resolution says that Comey and then-Attorney General Loretta Lynch sought to water down the severity of the investigation by referring to it as a “matter,” and that Comey aimed to exonerate Clinton as early as April or May of 2016 before up to 17 key witnesses, including Clinton herself, were even interviewed.

The resolution also goes into detail about the Clinton Foundation and Uranium One.

“Throughout the Obama Administration, the DOJ failed to fully investigate serious concerns surrounding former President [Bill] Clinton, then-Secretary of State Clinton and the Clinton Foundation’s connection to Russian company Uranium One, which received Department of State approval to purchase U.S. uranium mines in 2010,” the release explained

On the Trump-Russia probe, the resolution reaffirms the claim that the President did not collude with the Russians.

“To this day, there does not appear to be any evidence that President Trump colluded with the Russians to win the 2016 election. The initial FBI probe into the Trump Campaign and alleged collusion with Russia was launched in July 2016, based on questionable and insufficient intelligence and biased motivations,” the release added.

“A second special counsel must be appointed and transparency and accountability is demanded for these great, legendary, historic agencies. With that, they are sure to move forward stronger than ever before,” Zeldin concluded.