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Upset about his schedule, Taco Bell employee allegedly attacked co-worker with a burrito

A Taco Bell employee angry about working the morning shift allegedly attacked a co-worker with a burrito. (Dreamstime)
January 23, 2018

A Taco Bell employee angry about working the morning shift is accused of attacking a co-worker with a hot burrito.

The incident took place on Monday at a Spartanburg, S.C., Taco Bell, where a woman said that one of her employees got angry at her and threw at hot burrito before storming out of the restaurant, according to a Spartanburg Police Department incident report.

She said that the staffer was complaining about having to work the morning shift, and kept getting into arguments with other colleagues, when she told him to “stop being a crybaby.”

She said that when she turned around, the staffer “slung” a hot burrito at her.

“She stated that when he threw the burrito, the melted cheese got all over her left arm and went all down her left side and leg,” the report stated. “She stated that it made a mess of the entire kitchen as well, getting cheese over all the appliances.”

The staffer then took off his headset, snapped on his knee and then threw it on the ground, before storming out of the restaurant.

The incident report stated that officers planned on seeking warrants for the staffer.


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