Secretary of Defense James Mattis spoke with Fox News on Friday and says he thinks the world will exert “increased pressure” on North Korea in the upcoming months.
Mattis’ comments comes on the heels of satellite photos that purportedly show China supplying North Korea with oil, despite China agreeing to UN sanctions on North Korea that forbid that very act.
Mattis told Fox News, “I think you will see increased pressure…What form that pressure takes in terms of physical operations is something that will be determined by the cognizant governments. Obviously if a government finds there is a ship in their port conducting trade that was forbidden under the U.N. Security Council resolution then they have an obligation and so far we’ve seen nations take that obligation seriously.”
When asked about the development of North Korea’s nuclear missile program he stated that “Nothing impresses me.”
The satellite images captured purported Chinese ships trading oil with North Korean vessels in the West Sea close to China.

U.S. satellites have produced images of what reportedly are Chinese ships selling oil to North Korean illegally. (U.S. Office of Foreign Assets Control)
In September, the United Nations Security Council barred North Korea from importing natural gas due to North Korea’s aggressive nuclear program and multiple missile tests.
Sanctions were also placed on its transport ministry, the Maritime Administration and several shipping companies with shipping vessels.
According to the satellite images, the ship is identified as Rye Song Gang 1. The ship was a part of the Nov. 21 sanctions that was possibly trading oil to avoid the sanctions.
According to the South Korean newspaper, the ship can be seen connected to a Chinese vessel in satellite images taken on October 19.