InfoWars has directly published more than 1,000 RT articles, a new report has found.
BuzzFeed recently reported that the site InfoWars, which is run by Alex Jones and self-described as “the frontline of truth journalism,” has copied at least one thousand articles from state-sponsored RT.
BuzzFeed reported that “at least 1,014 RT articles” have been published on InfoWars since May 2014; the articles mainly deal with U.S. politics, global politics and terror attacks.
While InfoWars does list RT as the author of the stories, an RT spokeswoman told BuzzFeed that they do not have permission to re-publish the RT content.
“We take under consideration any use of our content without authorization, and proceed with any action we deem appropriate. We do this on a case-by-case basis, dependent on the resources we have available at the time,” Anna Belkina told BuzzFeed. Belkina is head of the Russian broadcaster’s communications.
One article from April on InfoWars, titled “ISIS USED US MISSILE STRIKE TO LAUNCH NEW OFFENSIVE NEAR PALMYRA, HOMS GOVERNOR TELLS RT,” lists the author as “RT.”

InfoWars (Screenshot)
When one clicks on “RT,” it links to the original story, which has been posted to InfoWars’ site verbatim.

RT (Screenshot)
BuzzFeed also reported: “RT is not the only outlet InfoWars copied content from. A search on BuzzSumo shows there are articles copied from CNN, Sputnik, Breitbart, CNS News, the Blaze, CBC, BBC, Vice, The Guardian, The Washington Post, The New York Times, The New York Post, LA Times, BuzzFeed, and others. RT’s articles, however, seem to be the most numerous.”