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Defense Department retweets call for Trump to resign

President Donald Trump (U.S. Army/Elizabeth Fraser)
November 16, 2017

The U.S. Department of Defense (DOD) Twitter account on Thursday retweeted a tweet calling for President Donald Trump to resign.

The Department of Defense quickly took down the retweet, but not before some Twitter users – including Paul Szoldra, the CEO and founder of Duffel Blog – took a screenshot of the tweet.

The tweet said: “The solution is simple… Roy Moore: Step down from the race. Al Franken: Resign from congress. Donald Trump: Resign from the presidency. GOP: Stop making sexual assault a partisan issue. It’s a crime as is your hypocrisy.”

Paul Szoldra (Twitter)

The DOD released a statement following the incident and said an operator of the DOD Twitter account erroneously retweeted the tweet.

“An authorized operation of the [DOD’s] official Twitter site erroneously retweeted content that would not be endorsed by the Department of Defense,” wrote Dana White, Pentagon spokesperson. “The operator caught this error and immediately deleted it.”

Dana W. White (Twitter)

The Department of Defense Twitter account had retweeted a tweet from a Twitter user named “PROUD RESISTER” that called for a solution to the sexual harassment allegations going around Washington, D.C.

Dave Brown (Twitter)

“Pretty interesting to see the DoD join the resistance,” Szoldra wrote.


Paul Szoldra (Twitter)

The Twitter account that originally posted the tweet has a link to the website, which sells merchandise calling for Trump’s impeachment and supporting a resistance.