Pavel Durov, founder of the Russian Vkontakte website and Telegram messenger service, recently posted a shirtless photo of himself to social media and called on fellow Russians to follow suit – this in response to Russian President Vladimir Putin’s recent topless photos that were taken while on a fishing trip to Siberia.
“My Instagram had to seriously step up the game to keep up with the increased competition from Mr. Putin’s shirtless photos,” Durov wrote. “If you’re Russian, you have to join #PutinShirtlessChallenge (or face oblivion).”
There are only two rules, Durov wrote: “No photoshop, no pumping. Otherwise you’re not an alpha.”
Putin recently took a two-day trip to Siberia, and photos of the Russian president fishing and relaxing garnered a lot of attention – particularly the shirtless photos.
With the “Putin Shirtless Challenge” issued, the Internet responded.
Russian politician Dmitry Gudkov posted a photo.
Other Twitter users were not shy about their physiques.
One Twitter user needed some shade.
One even used props.
One Twitter user was seemingly “on location.”
And one Twitter user took it to the next level – in an aircraft.
The photos are under the hash tag “Putin Shirtless Challenge” and can be seen on Instagram and Twitter.