“Sgt. Stubby: An American Hero,” an upcoming feature-length animated film, tells the story of Sergeant Stubby, one of the most decorated canines in history.
Stubby forged a bond with the 26th Yankee Division during World War I after getting picked up by Private First Class Robert Conroy on the grounds of Yale University.
Sgt. Stubby served with the United States Military during WWI and is the only dog to be nominated for rank and then promoted to sergeant through combat.
The claim has no official evidence, but is still recognized in connection with an exhibition at the Smithsonian Institution.
During the war, Sgt. Stubby was the victim of one of the mustard gas attacks. After that, Stubby had the smell of the highly noxious gas permanently burned into his nose. He developed an ability to detect the bombs before they were even dropped and was trained to cover his nose to alert soldiers when a gas attack was coming, saving the lives of many soldiers.
He once detected a German spy after overhearing him speak German. Several American soldiers claim that they found Stubby with his teeth secured firmly into the rear-end of a German spy.
After returning home, Stubby eventually met presidents Woodrow Wilson, Calvin Coolidge and Warren G. Harding. He led parades through New York, Boston and Washington, D.C., and received several awards for his heroism.
In “Sgt. Stubby: An American Hero,” Logan Lerman will play Corporal Robert Conroy, Helena Bonham Carter will play Conroy’s sister, and Gérard Depardieu will play Gaston Baptiste, a mentor to Sgt. Stubby and Conroy.
The film is set to be released April 13, 2018.