Every year, firearm manufacturers excite the gun community with their new models. This year is a little extra special due to the fact that the U.S. Military announced its plans to replace the Beretta M9 as the military sidearm.
The competition began, as several companies began to develop or improve their existing models to compete for the military’s new sidearm choice. Of course, by now it is known that the military selected the Sig Sauer P320 as its new sidearm for the U.S. Army.
What does this mean for the civilian market? It means there are several new and exciting “wonder nine” models available for purchase at the local gun stores.

Wonder Nines are pistols that fit a particular class of features. They are compact size (and have an approximately 4-inch barrel), polymer frame striker fired pistols that have a double stack magazine, which holds a minimum of 15 rounds. Basically, it’s a Glock 19 with all the bells and whistles that each company can produce to make their Wonder Nine stand out.
And stand out they did, as many of these compact 9mm pistols entered the civilian market this year.
I decided to round up all of the new models, along with adding several existing compact handguns, to create “The Best ‘Compact’ 9mm Handguns for 2017.”

I took all of these pistols to the range to check out the differences in features and shooting impressions. I have to say, these are very impressive handguns.
Watch the video and let us know if you agree with the choices, and which of these models would be your favorite for 2017.