Safety is paramount. This mantra is embedded in Marines since the first day in boot camp. So much so, that anyone can stop any military exercise if any safety issue is clearly spotted.
This may sound silly to many, but the fact remains that more Marines are killed off-duty during accidents that are most often preventable than in the battlefield every year.

101 Days of Summer
To deal with this issue, the U.S. Marine Corps has implemented a rigorous program on which safety briefs and specific, tailored events take place all around the world wherever a Marine goes off duty.
This program has saved countless lives, the lives not only of sons and daughters, but of those heroes who defend our country.
“Being ready means making smart decisions. Sgt. Maj. Green and I need you to stay vigilant, recharge and be ready to go when the Nation calls us next. Protect what you’ve earned.”
This is the message Gen. Robert Neller, 37th Commandant of the Marine Corps, has for the Marines. Simple and to the point. Be smart, protect what you have earned, be ready to go when the nation calls.
There’s little more important for a Marine.

Hot 101 Days of Summer Safety Brief.