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Syrian Refugee Camp Infiltrated By ISIS

May 10, 2017

During what is thought to be the world’s worst humanitarian crisis since World War II, the Syrian war has pushed thousands of men, women and children to outskirts that hardly any aid organizations can reach – including about 80,000 refugees to the Al Rukban refugee camp on the Syria-Jordan border, where ISIS has infiltrated, according to a recent NBC report.

While the camp is in a demilitarized zone, a Jordanian helicopter pilot would not fly over the area for “fear of being shot down by ISIS cells in the camp,” NBC reported. Brig. Gen. Sami Kafawin told NBC that “militants there ‘have whole weapons systems … small arms, RPGs, anti-aircraft.’ ”

Syrians who have fled their homes because of ISIS find themselves stranded in the camp, according to the report; and aid agencies have complained they can not reach the camp in order to provide food or essential supplies.

“Abandoned by governments, they are preyed on by the very ISIS gunmen and suicide bombers they fled their homelands to escape,” the report stated. Syrians became stranded at Al Rukban when Jordan closed its border to the country last year. Jordan – a U.S. ally – has also blocked much of the humanitarian aid to that area.

“Coordinated by the U.N.’s World Food Program, a monthly delivery by a crane located in Jordanian territory makes up the bulk of what keeps men, women and children alive at the ever-growing camp,” the report continued.

President Donald Trump has called for “safe zones” for refugees, but Rukban brings to light the reality of what might happen when Syrians leave or are forced to evacuate their homes.
