On the last installment of this three-part series, the video begins with the fighters engaging multiple Marines. The instructor tells the fighters that in the octagon, a fight can be finished in one of three different ways: knockout, submission, or decision. He then tells them that on the battlefield, the Marine can die, their opponent can die or they can both be killed.
The fighters also get a chance to check out some of the cool training instruments that the Marines implement in their training, like shock knives. The shock knives are meant to be a training aid that closely resembles using a real blade, without causing any pain. The fighters also get a chance to roll around on the mats with some of the Marines and find a new found respect among each other.
At the end of the day, all the UFC fighters visit the Marine Corps museum in Quantico, Virginia, and get a chance to glimpse some of the storied history of the branch.
Check the video out for yourself below: