In the world of acting, John Cena has played a Marine plenty of times. Playing enigmatic Marine John Triton in the aptly named movie “The Marine,” Cena has had to learn to play the part, as well as look the part. But, like all the great actors before him, sometimes you have to get as close to the real thing as possible to better appreciate it. And if there is one person who is not afraid of a challenge, it’s John Cena.

John Cena fires a rifle during Marine Corps boot camp training
“It’s excruciating on every level. Don’t quit, that’s the only thing that is in my mind is don’t quit. I’m the most fatigued I have ever been,” Cena said of the training exercises. “I’ve been covered in my own blood, I’ve been stuck in cages, I’ve been put through every object you can imagine, but in a matter of 45 minutes, I’m at zero. I have nothing left, so that says something about everyone who wears these colors.”
“I’m here to learn a little bit of what these men and women go through,” said Cena. “Hopefully, I won’t get the sh*t kicked out of me too bad!”
Watch the video below to see how he does while training with the U.S. Marines at Parris Island, South Carolina:
John Cena underwent portions of the Marine Corps crucible, the final challenge of recruit training for the United States Marine Corps.
According to the Marine Corps website, the Crucible “is a 54-hour training exercise that validates the physical, mental and moral training they’ve endured throughout recruit training. The recruits are broken down into squads to face the challenges of the Crucible. They face challenges testing their physical strength, skills and the Marine Corps values they have learned throughout training. Throughout the event, the recruits are only allowed a limited amount of food and sleep. The final stage of the Crucible is a 9-mile hike from the training grounds to the Iwo Jima flag raising statue at Peatross Parade Deck. Upon completing this challenge, the recruits are handed their Eagle, Globe and Anchors, symbolizing the completion of their arduous journey to become U.S. Marines.”
The Crucible emphasized the importance of teamwork as each Marine recruit has to endure sleep deprivation and food deprivation as well as strenuous testing.
Two recruits are given three MRE’s and split the rations into two parts during the duration of the 54-hour exercise. Recruits are broken into squad-sized teams and placed in charge of a drill instructor where they will then take part in a number of challenges and training exercises.

John Cena attempts Marine Corps boot camp training