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(VIDEO) Watch These Adorable Army Kids Answer Military Questions

April 24, 2017

It’s tough growing up with parents in the military. The cons are constantly moving, changing schools, and having to make new friends. The pros can be hard to find, but as any military brat will tell you, they would not change it for the world.

The short video has the narrator ask the children to answer questions about military terms or phrases relevant to the Army. Of course, the answers are often funny and whimsical, with plenty of laughs to be had.

“My dad is a soldier, and he usually protects the world.” says one little girl.

When asked to finish the sentence, “Go Army, Beat _____.” one little boy answers coyly, “Russia!”

Growing up around the military tends to instill a patriotic sense of pride among children. It often also makes them better for it, despite the moves, and the time away from the one they love.

Check out the hilarious video below:
