The U.S. Navy and Marine Corps have announced that it is now illegal to share nude pictures without consent, according to new documentation released by the Secretary Of The Navy. This comes on the heels of a widely publicized photo sharing scandal that took place on a private Facebook group known as “Marines United.”
The Marine Corps found it extremely difficult to prosecute Marines and Sailors involved in the illicit photo sharing as the correct rules necessary to charge them did not currently exist. This limited the action they were able to take, and subsequently forced them to find new ways to set precautions for the future.
Since the incident began, many female Marines have banded together to fight for changes against sexism in the military. Some say they believe is still very prevalent, citing the recent photo scandal as only one of many incidents.
The new rules cover every new scenario that could occur. Per the new regulations, Marines and sailors could be found guilty if:
The distribution or broadcasting is wrongful if the person making the distribution or broadcast does so without legal justification or excuse, knows or reasonably should know that the depicted person did not consent to the disclosure, and the intimate image is distributed or broadcast:
(a) With the intent to realize personal gain;
(b) With the intent to humiliate, harm, harass, intimidate, threaten, or coerce the depicted person; or
(c) With reckless disregard as to whether the depicted person would be humiliated, harmed, intimidated, threatened, or coerced.