Watch U.S. Forces Blow Away Overly-Confident Taliban Snipers During Documentary Filming | American Military News
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Watch U.S. Forces Blow Away Overly-Confident Taliban Snipers During Documentary Filming

March 15, 2017

The following combat footage is an excerpt from the Documentary “Hornet’s Nest” by Emmy Award-winning conflict journalist Mike Boettcher and his son, Carlos. The two men proudly accompany U.S. Soldiers armed with nothing more than video cameras.

Boettcher and his son were on site when radical Muslim fighters begin firing at vehicles and passing soldiers. When one bullet comes too close for comfort they respond swiftly by calling in several airstrikes to neutralize the targets.

LT Col Joel Vowell responds after the shooting by simply stating:

“That’ll teach them to shoot at my soldiers”

Additional airstrikes are then carried out to make sure that the shooters either “get the message” or get their just desserts. The American soldiers state that the shooters got overzealous. The state that terrorists underestimated the capabilities of the mighty U.S. military and believed they were unreachable in their position.  A valuable lesson was learned that day.
