Living in the barracks can be an easy way to save a few bucks. Anyone who has served as a Marine has stayed in the barracks, even if it was only for a short time. It can be fun to live close to your friends, be part of a team, and be close to work. Of course, with all the positives, it wouldn’t be too hard to find a negative side to living so close to your fellow Marines or sailors.

Female Marine cleaning the barracks (YouTube)
As always, Terminal Boots does a great job of bringing the weekly tradition of barracks cleaning, known as “Field Day,” to life. The video starts with female Marines cleaning their barrack’s area, as pleasant music plays in the background.
A motivated and happy corporal enters and delightfully gives the Marines more time to clean. The video ominously pans around the base to what appears to be infantry barracks, where screaming and debauchery set the tone for a routine field day in the barracks.
Check out the hilarity below:
Field Day is part of the Marine Corps basic training, but it is an opportunity to have some fun. It is usually what recruits like most about the whole training process. Field Day is every Thursday evening, before the Friday morning inspection.
More often than not, the inspection is way beyond just checking the barrack’s cleanliness. Marines will tell you there are some ridiculous rules like no ice in the freezer, no water in the sink, and no hygiene products in the shower. That isn’t all. Field Day is followed even in places like Afghanistan and Iraq where there are more important things to deal with but being clean is always important.

Marine Corps field day (YouTube)
Field Day is a concept in the Navy too – when everything is cleaned starting high and working your way down.
The inspection is done by Staff Non-Commissioned Officers (SNCOs) and sometimes Commissioned Officers. Field Day usually has Marines cleaning their quarters so other people can come into their rooms the next day to point out all the spots that are still dirty, and tell them they can’t leave their quarters until they clean it all over again. The real point is to be clean.

Marine cleaning the barracks (YouTube)
Life in the Marines is tough but it is also fun at times, but sometimes it also gets ridiculous. Field Day is one such example when the Marine Corps choose to concentrate on trivial things like a room’s cleanliness than how to better protect the nation against external forces. Of course, it does serve as an opportunity for fun and without cleanliness troops would get sick more and that is not good.
Set to the background of dark and menacing music, you can’t help but laugh at the differences between the two.