As with any military service, your journey begins at basic training and basic training is tough. Recruits will be challenged every day, both mentally and physically. They’ll be pushed, tested and worked harder than ever before. Those that graduate know that they will have accomplished something that both they and their family can appreciate.
The Coast Guard is no different. The Coast Guard is one of the most respected services on the U.S. Military apparatus, with a toughness and determination respected by all, and it all starts at the Coast Guard Training Center in Cape May. Home of the Coast Guard’s enlisted corps, it is the United States’ only Coast Guard enlisted accession point and recruit training center.

Coast Guard recruit training (YouTube)
More than 4,000 of America’s finest young men and women have arrived for the first chapter of their Coast Guard career-boot camp at Sewell Point, the area occupied by the Training Center. With a long history of naval presence, it produces all seaman apprentices, fireman apprentices, seamen and firemen to the Coast Guard Fleet.
The newly enlisted are sent to eight weeks of recruit training at Cape May where they remain at Sexton Hall for three days to undergo initial processing and basic entrance procedures such as vaccinations and uniform issue.
This video shows the Welcome Aboard to the USCG Coast Guard Boot Camp. Now stand at attention and stop smiling! It’s training time at the USCG Training Center Cape May.
Temporary commanders are tasked with training the recruits so they are prepared to enter their designated company. However, the recruits do not take part in any type of physical training such as pull ups or push ups. They instead learn discipline and tasks such as marching.
Later, recruits are assigned to their permanent company commanders who will stay with them for the remaining of the eight weeks of recruit training. From there, they will learn teamwork and physical skills while preparing to ready themselves for their first unit.

Coast guard recruit training (YouTube)
Like in every other branch of the military, recruits are in for a huge culture shock for when they step off the bus. Recruits have a rough idea what to expect when beginning their training, but there is nothing like the real thing.
During their time at Camp May, they are taught severe discipline as they have to do everything they are told and in the manner in which they are taught to do it.