The four branches of the United States Military, the Army, Navy, Air Force and Marines, are all equally vital in protecting America’s freedoms. Each branch has its own specialties and is made up of dedicated men and women who devote their lives to this country.
And they also like to engage in some friendly competition too.
Four individuals from each branch ran an intense race that required some impressive physical strength and agility, and the results might not be what you expect.

Men from each of the four branches of the United States military compete in a friendly obstacle course race to see who comes out on top. (NavaTheBeast/YouTube)
On the NavatheBeast YouTube channel, Sergeant Armando Nava Jr. of the Marines brought a few of his friends together from the other three branches of the military to compete in an obstacle course to see which branch would come out on top.
Check out the men dueling it out on the course in the video below:
The obstacle course consisted of a number of physical challenges that every service member would usually go through during training, including leaping past barriers, climbing over walls and hustling down the field.
The servicemen started out with a pull-up into a complete back rotation over the bar, followed by a few logs to hop over. They also had to shimmy down a thin rail to prove their balance before leaping over some more barriers.

Men from each of the four branches of the United States military compete in a friendly obstacle course race to see who comes out on top. (NavaTheBeast/YouTube)
They jumped over a wall, hopped past a few more logs and finally were required to climb a rope to finish the course off. Throughout the race, the men were matched fairly evenly with no one having a clear advantage.
In the end, the finish was almost too close to call. But the gentleman representing the Army was declared champion by the others.

Men from each of the four branches of the United States military compete in a friendly obstacle course race to see who comes out on top. (NavaTheBeast/YouTube)
While each branch of the military often enjoys one-upping the others, Nava offered some wise words that truly encompass what it means to be a member of any military branch.
“We’re all one fighting force. There’s no reason to be starting beef. This is all for fun, and remember, like I always preach: stay hungry and stay humble,” Nava said.