The Marine Raiders, formally known as MARSOC, began from humble beginnings in February 2006. Over the years they have pushed themselves to the forefront of the special operations community. Each and every Marine, regardless of rank, must make it through a grueling assessment and selection phase before entering a nearly nine-month-long period of training called the Individual Training Course (ITC). This video gives some pointers on what it takes to be successful at assessment and selection, or A&S.
“Phase one is a very physical course. We do things like the Marine Corps PFT, we do ruck runs ranging from eight to twelve miles,” say one of the Phase 1 lead instructors.
“The things that make candidates successful is coming prepared,” he said. “Phase one is not a preparations course for Phase 2. Phase 1 is the beginning of selection.”
You can find more information about the MARSOC pre-requisites and phases here.