What happens when the .50 caliber bullet of a Barrett M107 meets 50lbs of explosives packed tight underneath a car? The boys of the DemolitionRanch YouTube conducted such exact experiment, and the results are pretty jaw dropping.
The crew shot one devastating round at the explosives which were set underneath an old taxi cab, and the explosion that was produced along with the resulting damage to the car were even more than what they had expected.

Matt Carriker from the DestructionRanch YouTube channel shoots his Barrett .50 caliber sniper rifle at explosives inside a taxi cab. (DestructionRanch/YouTube)
Host Matt Carriker brought along his personal Barrett M107 and a group of friends to help with the stunt at a gun range in Las Vegas, Nevada. The facility had more than thirty used up and stripped down taxis to choose from.
A specially chosen bright yellow cab was prepped and readied with 50lbs of binary explosives inside.
Check out the insane destruction in the video below:
With one pull of the trigger, the bullet ignited the explosives and the car quickly vanished in a plume of dust and debris. The smoke cloud was quite impressive, but what was to be discovered as the remains of the car was even more shocking.
“Is the car gone? Oh my god,” Carriker exclaimed as the smoke began to clear.
Slow motion replay of the explosion showed a flash of fire, a puff of smoke and the car quickly disappear in the blink of an eye. Rock and shrapnel was throw in every direction and the flying parts narrowly missed a drone and the various surrounding cameras.

Matt Carriker from the DestructionRanch YouTube channel shoots his Barrett .50 caliber sniper rifle at explosives inside a taxi cab. (DestructionRanch/YouTube)
When the smoke finally cleared, the car had moved some 10 feet from its original spot in the dirt. Furthermore, the vehicle not only sported a gaping hole down the middle, but was also turned upside down.
The explosion nearly ripped the hunk of metal into two, and the pile of parts just barely resembled a car.
“That is amazing,” Carriker remarked as he walked up to inspect the damage. “It looks like it got hit by a train!”

Matt Carriker from the DestructionRanch YouTube channel shoots his Barrett .50 caliber sniper rifle at explosives inside a taxi cab. (DestructionRanch/YouTube)
Carriker and he friends from the DemolitionRanch specialize in all things destruction. Some of their most popular videos include the men shooting a vehicle with a tank, attempting to saw a car in half and testing various firearms. They’ve amassed nearly 7 million subscribers through their videos.