Man oh man, Siri can be brutal if you catch her on an off day.

Yusha Thomas shocked at what Siri is telling him (YouTube)
Yusha Thomas is known for his awesome drill sergeant videos and other random skits, but this one takes the cake! He just asks Siri a simple question for a last minute gift idea for his wife on Valentines Day and Siri goes off on him! She goes low and doesn’t stop for a full minute.

Yusha Thomas (YouTube)
Check out the video! You’ll likely have a good laugh.
Yusha Thomas is a military veteran and YouTuber who creates a variety of videos about the military.
Some of his most popular videos include, “BASIC Training (Week 1) 1966 VS 1996 VS 2016,” “How recruiters are in each branch of the military once they get you in their office,” “HOW DRILL SERGEANTS CALL CADENCE,” and “How Recruiters Be in Each Branch of The Military.”
In the United States Army, soldiers of the proper rank either volunteer or are selected by the U.S. Army Human Resources Command to attend drill sergeant school.
Drill Sergeant school is ten weeks long and covers the exact same material that is covered in basic training including drill and ceremony, leadership training, training management, rifle marksmanship, obstacle courses, and field training exercises. Drill Sergeants have the exact same curriculum because they need to be trained in all aspects of Basic Combat Training.
Male drill sergeants wear the World War I campaign hat upon graduation while females wear the Australian bush cap.
A typical tour of duty lasts two years, however, a one-year extension is available.
Future drill sergeants are trained at The United States Drill Sergeant Academy located in Fort Jackson, South Carolina.
The instructors at the academy are known as drill sergeant leaders, which are previously experienced Drill Sergeants selected by senior drill sergeant leaders and leadership at the academy. The Academy is led by the Commandant and Deputy Commandant of the Drill Sergeant Academy.
According to the Army website:
“A drill sergeant is a symbol of excellence in initial entry training, an expert in all warrior tasks and battle drills, lives the Army values, exemplifies the warrior ethos, and most importantly- is the epitome of the Army as a profession.
As a drill sergeant you are responsible for coaching, counseling, and mentoring of hundreds, if not thousands, of Soldiers as you transform them from a civilian to a combat-ready Soldier.
A typical day as a drill sergeant starts before dawn and you are with your Soldiers until it is time for lights out. As a drill sergeant, you are all that your Soldiers know of the Army and they emulate everything you do. Being a drill sergeant is one of the most demanding and difficult jobs in our Army, it is also one of the most rewarding. Just as you will always remember your drill sergeant, so will your Soldiers. It is up to you to provide a positive and rewarding experience as these young Soldiers begin their journey in the Army. What you do for them will impact them for the rest of their lives!”