Perry Cormen, a 91-year-old WWII veteran, leapt from an airplane on Thursday in an effort to recruit members for the U.S. Army. How does one find the bravery and courage to throw themselves from a plane at the ripe age of 91?
“Keep your mind active and keep your body moving, too,” Cormen told reporters.
The former WWII veteran joined the infamous Golden Knights in a tandem jump in an effort to help spread awareness about the U.S. military. The 91-year-old veteran joined Command Sgt. Maj. Anthony Stoneburg who claims that Cormen is a testament to what it means to be Army Strong.
“Today is the opportunity to take these men and ladies and really just spread the word about what the Army can do for us and what we can do for you,” Stoneburg said.
He went on to say that the Army plans to increase its total number of recruits by at least 6,000 soldiers in the coming year. Cormen plans to keeping driving towards this goal by creating a tradition out of his unusual jump. He plans to continue doing it for as long as physically possible.
“I want to prove to myself that at my age, you can do almost anything,” he said.
If Cormen and Stoneburg reach their goal of recruiting 6,000 troops by the end of 2017, it will be the largest single-year recruiting increase in the history of the United States Army.